Not all men lust: Simply a "thumbs-up" to my husband

Ive been reading alot of articles, blogs, and stories lately on husbands and their primal instinct to "lust" after other women. While I do agree that this is a real and serious problem, not all women need to worry or "protect" themselves from it.
First off, I want to say that Yes, I understand the whole theory of walking into the house with the warm cookies smelling SO good and your mouth involuntarily waters...its called Pavlovs Theory actually and I learned that my first semester of college. So, in relevance to the topic, I get it. Send in a woman barely dressed, face painted up to be "beautiful", and all her assets exposed, the first initial reaction of a man is to look.

This is where all the articles I have read will go into great detail on the men that look. The ones that gawk at these women right in front of their wives and go into deep fantasies that are sinful. What I want to discuss are the men that DONT fall into the temptations of the world.
As long as I've known my husband, even when we were just dating, I've always admired his almost planned out eye movements. He seems to always have perfect control over where his eyes are looking. Yes, he is human and Yes, his eyes can land on something "not so modest" from time to time, but what he does is immediately looks down, away, or at me. ALWAYS and without hesitation. I have even tested this theory and many a times I will act as though I don't see the woman barely dressed and flaunting her body around. But still, out of the corner of my eye I will see my dear husband readily advert his eyes. I have no doubt in my mind that even when I'm not around to watch, the same thing is happening.
WHY do you think this is? Well, let me tell you.
My husband isn't afraid of making his wife mad. He isn't scared to get caught looking by me. No, no, he knows he has a much bigger responsibility than to please me. He is pleasing the Lord. His fear is that God will see him and the lust that such actions would provoke. My husband knows that he is to work out his own salvation with fear and trembling, I can't take him to heaven with me. So therefore, he is accountable to the Lord and he knows it. 
This is just one of the many reasons I love my husband dearly. He really is a unique man, full of Gods love and mercy, and continually striving to be a better christian and husband. God can ONLY show favor on those that obey and trust in him so I know that he will continue to be blessed in his walk with the Lord.
So the next time you read an article about how every man has fantasies, or the "wandering eye" is something you just have to put up with, just remember that is a lie. It all boils down to who your husband is being held accoutable to. Are you always straining for him to be mindful of YOU? Do you complain that he doesn't care how YOU feel when he looks at other women? If so, maybe try reminding him who he is REALLY accountable to.

God Bless 


  1. you know what? my husband does the same thing. he always looks away. and not only that, he says something like Geesh, woman cover up. And then our girls will say something like she's "een beetje bloot" okay, that's dutch for something like "a little immodest" and then dad says Yup. b/c he doesn't want to offend God and he's got three little daughters to raise up right! so - yup, just agreeing with ya - we are lucky to have good husbands!

  2. Bravo, and AMEN! Where are more girls like you writing more things like this?! What a treasure to find the truth proclaimed.

  3. I'm so glad to have read this, because when you read so much stuff today, the assumption always seems to be that *every* guy has a real 'lust problem'. Well, my husband is a sinner like everyone else, but he finds immodestly dressed women awkward and.... off-putting. Not even when he was a teenager did he find any attraction in these girls. They tended to make him Ewwww inside! (though he was far too polite to say!).

    So, praise God for husbands like yours and mine - and the many, many others like them. Let's not tar every man with the same brush

  4. Oh...I love it. I love it! I agree wholeheartedly! After 20 plus years of being married, I loved reading this. We are blessed. Visiting from women living well!

  5. I'm new to your blog, but really enjoyed reading this post :-) I hate (as does my husband) the assumption that all men "lust" for women who are dressed inappropriately.


  6. Job said he made a covenant with his eyes, sounds like your husband has done the same thing. Praise the Lord, you've got a keeper!

  7. Here, here!!! You have a wonderful husband, from the sounds of it and there are far more men out there like yours than people want to realize. My husband is also one of those. My first husband was NOT like that, so I KNOW the difference. Here's to the real Godly men who have self-control and a real Love for God and their wives and families!!!
    I found your blog on FB and I am always looking for blogs like yours. So glad I found yours.
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. Praise God for you ladies and your wonderful husbands. Keep praying for them, loving them and hold on to them. I have been married twice before and involved with a man now for five years and all three of them have been hugely involved in moral failure. Even up to having affairs, loosing jobs, constant lusting, net porn, etc. The blessing you have has been a life-time dream of mine. Tell your gentlemen husbands, a christian sister says, kudo's to them, they are an inspiration, a statement that 'true' godly men are out there and exist.

  9. Yes, thank you very much for voicing this clearly. My husband is also a God-fearing man and does not have a lust problem - I've paid attention to him for years and know. He was very hurt when I read a book "every man's battle" and tried to apply it to him - just to make sure lol. We need more articles like this. In this hyperfeminist society all men are viewed as lustful, irresponsible, dirty fools.

  10. Im so glad to know that those Godly men truly do exist. I am now married to a very lustful man that is in denial. I feel used and unwanted. I know that not all men are like this. just most. I pray for some miracle that I could be released from this.

  11. Thank you for this! My boyfriend is the same way and I often get upset at the world, rather than praise him for his heroic choice to love God, me, and other women in this world purely every day. Your post was so good for me to read. Thank you, and thank your husband for being a truly courageous man.

  12. You are highly favoured and blessed.....keep your wonderful men ladies with such treasure. God bless you, unfortunately its not the same for me but all the same we thank God for husbands like yours!

  13. This greatly encouraged me sister, thank you so much!

  14. This greatly encouraged me sister, thank you!

  15. This greatly encouraged me sister, thank you so much!


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