The Burden to Help Joplin, MO

Last night the Lord placed it on my heart SO STRONG to help those affected by the tornados in Joplin, MO. It is a 6 hour drive from our home, and Lord willing we are collecting supplies and KJV bibles to take to those that have lost everything. While realizing there is not alot that a pregnant woman and one man can accomplish, what we CAN do is listen to the Lord and try to encourage and give some hope to these people. I know that if I had lost everything and a stranger came and brought me a new bible, I would feel that much more hope about my situation. Please pray for us as we will be taking this week to collect batteries,baby food,diapers,formula,bottled water, and kjv bibles to take with us. We will be leaving next saturday morning, and I am in the process of trying to reach and locate a pentecostal/apostolic church in that area we can coordinate with and possibly find some shelter for the night and a church service Sunday. Im asking for your prayers that the Lord has his way and we can somehow be of help to even just one person. Thank you all in advance


  1. Hi Tara. God says that obedience is better than sacrifice. In your obedience to GO and help and pray and just be there and touch the lives of those battered people, you will reap of God's blessing. I pray for you for strength and you just sound like someone who's smile is ever present. That smile will touch people.
    God bless, Tracy

  2. Such a neat thing you are doing! May the Lord bless you!
    A new follower from the bloghop,


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