90 years old and baptised in Jesus name. Whats your excuse?

This morning was an awesome move of God in our service! Miracles, signs and wonders just as he promised would accompany these end times. Let me recap the story from the beginning here:
My husband converted to our apostolic church in December of last year after meeting me, coming to church and having a few bible studies. His whole family, and him were going to a little country Methodist church but he knew God had something bigger planned for him. My husband has told me before that the very week before he met me God spoke to his heart and told him that he had "more" to reveal to him. And so he did!
We were married March of this year. Since then I have seen the Lord work through my husband in great ways. One thing about Daniel that I've always admired is his desire and burden to save his entire family. To be completely honest I used to lack the faith ( I know I know) that God would ever move in this family, they aren't the  "church type" or the type to like change in any way at all. But I stood by my husband even as they laughed at him, called us names, and talked behind our backs about our "crazy" believes in God.
Last month his 90 year old Grandma who lives in a Methodist nursing home, talked to the Chaplin there about my husband and his love for God. The Chaplin, out of the blue called us and invited him to come and speak to their nursing home. Now remember this is a METHODIST nursing home. We went, sung the old boring hymns out of the book lol, and then my husband was introduced and began his message on none other that: JESUS NAME BAPTISM! Needless to say that the Chaplin was a little taken aback and after the speaking she even got up and said her OWN prayer in "the name of the father, son and the holy ghost" lol.
****** Sorry to break but NO JOKE as I'm writing this the phone just rang and it was the Chaplin asking us to come back! Wow God is always on time and works in amazing ways!!!!**************
ANYWAYS, we didn't figure we would get invited back after that, but hey, one shot is all my husband wanted, to tell them the truth about Jesus name baptism and he made sure to cover all his bases since the chance of us getting another invite was slim. We didn't know that day, but God had plans for that sermon he gave, and souls he wanted to save.
The next week my husbands grandma told him that she was thinking of being baptized in Jesus name, that she saw what he was talking about in the bible and wanted to do what the bible said, not what anyone else believed. Her Chaplin at the nursing home (same one that just invited us BACK to preach again) told her that she didn't need to be baptized to get to heaven, and thank you Jesus that his grandma sought out her own answers according to Gods word.
This morning she came to church with us. She wanted to be baptized after service, after everyone left. We run about 200 plus and she just didn't want to be embarrassed. That was fine and we were all ready to get it done. At the end of service during alter call Pastor had the two (another woman wanted baptized too) go back and get ready. He had forgotten that both women wanted to do it after service! I thought grandma would back out because of that, but she went ahead and got changed.
The first women went in, she came up and jumped out of the water shaking! I could tell she was cold and not just holy ghost filled lol. Come to find out the heater in the tank was broken (or turned off, idk which) and the water was pretty cold. I figured grandma wouldn't be able to do it today, as she is 90 years old and probably shouldn't go down in cold water. That still didn't stop her. Pastor told her about it, she felt the water and said it was fine.
Robed in a baptismal robe and a hair net (gotta protect those set curls :) four men helped her into that cold water. After 90 years of life, being a country Methodist women in a Methodist nursing home, she went down and was baptized in the ONLY name that can clean our sins away! She came out of the water and it was so awesome the power of God!
I learned today that I had less faith in God then I thought I did. Im ashamed to say that if anyone was going to get converted and baptized in Jesus name in my husbands family, SHE was the last one I would've guessed! It's so amazing though because now that she went down in the water, there is no reason the rest of his family could come up with to not do it! Here is a picture of Grandma being baptized today, my husband in the background :)



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