For my first post on my revamped blog, if you notice this blog has been created since I was first engaged to my wonderful soul mate and best friend, and now husband of 2.5 years. Since we were engaged our relationship has had so many ups and downs, but we always have the desire to make it through and using Gods promises for our marriage we have done just that and plan to continue to do so. I have revamped this blog after going quite for so long after we left the upci organization because I just didn't feel I had anything to contribute to christian woman/marriage posts.
But upon STILL receiving comments and touching peoples lives just through my OLD posts, I thought I would help others through sharing what our life is like now. It isn't perfect, we don't have it all together, but TOGETHER WE HAVE IT ALL!
We have a wonderful Christian marriage councilor, and not because we want to divorce or that is even an option, we are going to her as we have last year, to help us grow and develop through CHRIST and his goals for our marriage. We go to learn better communication and to grow and strengthen our marriage. This little image below I found on under designs/postgoodies. You can download it then use a photo editing software (I used my photoshop since I am a professional photographer but you can use picmonkey I think it's called to do the same thing) to fill in what YOU love about your spouse! So this list is to my husband. I love you with all my heart and I look forward to the many wonderful years we have together!



  1. Great blog babe. I pray to always have the desire to grow with you throught our marriage. Through the good times and the bad times we always pull through together. As we keep God first our marraige will always be with us.


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