Do the 'small things' matter to God? My Quest in becoming more like the ...

This is a short little video I made the other day; I had the thought in  my head of 'do the small things we do really matter to the Lord" and also many days I've been guilty of thinking to myself "ugh I do all this stuff and no one notices" Such as the mundane tasks of sweeping the floors, laundry, endless meal planning and cooking, cleaning up little messes, ext. You know, all those things us Moms (and Dads) do on a daily basis that no one seems to notice. Well, I believe that someone DOES notice; God notices every single thing we do unto him. So I encourage you, the next time you feel unappreciated, or like no one is noticing the small things you do for others, think of the Lord and the verses I reference in the video. ~Let your light shine


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