Pin God First; Putting God First in my Day; Proverbs 4.

Hey there!
I am so happy to have woken up this lovely morning, snuck out of bed like a ninja from a sleeping baby, and into my office to start my day with some amazing Colombian gold (aka coffee)!

So, I am starting this new thing called "Pin God First" that I found while browsing Pinterest. If you want to read more about it you can head on over to the site by Carey Bailey and find the printable that I use as well!

 (Sample of reading plan; head to site to download)

When you get to that page just read about the challenge..short and sweet explanation is this.

You can't start a successful day without talking to God first.

 I mean come on, you want to have a great day right!

 So don't get sucked into social media first thing; spend some time first with God. Doesn't even have to be a long time, just some time, let him talk to you first before the world floods your mind and heart with its opinions and views!

You start by praying the the Lord will open your heart and mind. Then read the scripture for that day that is laid out for you to read. I go through once then go back and read again and underline any WORDS that stand out to you. Go read again and highlight any PHRASES that stand out...and one more time to CIRCLE any words that stand out. Trust me you will have different things each time and God will begin to make it more clear what he wants to say and speak to you today!

After reading be sure to use a piece of paper, your journal, whatever it is and jot down some simple words that you are feeling. I normally write the words or the verse that really stood out to me, read them and pray over that part that I feel God is speaking to me about specifically.

Again, it doesn't have to take a lot of time, it can be 5 minutes or it can be 30, whatever works..just read and spend some time with HIM before THEM :)

One thing thats really helped me get my A.M. routine going is prepping my coffee pot the night before AND my desk as well with the first tasks sitting right on top, front and center. (thats my bible and reading plan btw) I will post on this tomorrow, how to set a morning routine that works for you!

Until then, be blessed and be inspired!



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