Its okay to get help: A letter to new Mom's experiencing postpartum depression
"Dear new Mom,
I know, its hard. Harder than anything you could have ever imagined. I understand.
You are tired...your nipples are sore, "Am I making enough milk?" is replaying over and over like a broken record each time your baby cries and wants more after nursing. The diaper count seems okay, but still you wonder right?"
This post was found in my drafts, unpublished, on 4/16/2023, so 8 years after it was written? I want to publish it, if it helps even just one person, it's worth it. Keep going mama! My kids are all grown now, the youngest is turning 8 next month. Enjoy the time, you don't know what they mean when they say "time goes fast, don't blink, they wont be babies for long" until you experience it. Wow! Enjoy every moment!-Tara Eveland
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