Using technology to share Christ

We use them at work. Also to make phone calls, edit pictures, talk to friends, and stay in touch with loved ones. They can even send cards, do our budget, and order a pizza instantly. The list is endless for the activites that can be accomplished on our computers. We tend to form very personal relationships with them, to the point that some sites can even tailor ads specific to what we are intrested in, read about, and do. So, does your internet browser know what you are really interested in? Does your computer know that you are a born again believe in Jesus Christ?
Think on how many hours a day you spend at your computer and on the internet. Whether on your Iphone browsing, at work, or at home, it is likely to be at least a few hours a day. Now think about what you spend actually doing in that time. How much is work? How long is spent in emails or reading articles, maybe blogging? How much is spent on social media sites posting status messages, updates, and chatting with others?
Considering the amount of time we spend typing away at that little keyboard we should be doing so in a way that is glorifying to God and helps to bring more souls to his kingdom. So how can we use our computer to be a witness to others? Think about this and answer honestly within your heart.
Do you post status updates that are uplifting and encouraging to others? When you chat, talk, or post in a group, is it ever to share your faith or beliefs? Are the ads coming up on your page reflecting the walk with the Lord that you have? Does your computer know that you are in fact a Christian?
If the answer to any of those is no, don't worry, that wasn't a test and you didn't fail. But, maybe there is an area that you can work on starting today. If you usually treat the internet as a place to "air your dirty laundry" and every mood that you are feeling, then I challenge you to start writing more encouraging status messages. Make it a point to uplift the Lord through your trials, show your faith in him to bring you through, instead of posting about how awful life is and how bad that day has been. Furthermore, if you see a status like the ones you used to be accustomed to posting, and it's clear that person needs encouragement. Tell them about how awesome God is, and how much he loves them, share your faith in him and what he has done in your life.
Also, if the ads on the side of your page aren't reflecting your Christian lifestyle then I urge you to go change that. If you are on a site that you can click on what you "like", then I urge you to find the ones that are going to reflect who you are in Christ. That might even mean going through them all and finding the ones that you might have clicked on before you were saved and weeding them out. There are just as many Godly things to like on these sites as there are ungodly. And what a witness when your family and friends see that you "like" the bible, Jesus Christ, Christian music, and church. Pretty soon, you can bet that those advertisers are going to be gearing those ads towards your beliefs and Godly lifestyle.
Another tool at your disposal is the ability to chat and email to reach out and witness to your friends and family. You can tell them everything you know, and want them to know, in a simple five minute message. You can share your entire testimony, and how far God has brought you without even leaving your couch. Sometimes, this is actually more effective then in person because the receipient is not feeling pressured or asked to even respond right then. They simply get the message, read it, and then are left with it in their inbox to dwell on. We have a great witnessing tool right at our desk!
There are several more ways to use this age of technology and our love for social media to do great things for the Lord, and it is so very important in this end time that we use every single tool that is at our disposal. Jesus wants us to spread the news of his gospel and be that light that shines in dark places, no matter if we are in public or at home in our pajamas surfing the internet. Since we spend so much time at our computers, I think it is vital that we establish who we are and what we believe with it and the people we communicate with using it. Try some of these ideas and soon your computer will catch on that you are in love with Jesus Christ!



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